file: 1743303061now: 1743399305diff: 96244Missing file A/html/1485247172.M793651P25395delete from `emailscamdata` where `dir` = 'A' AND `index` = '1485247172.M793651P25395' limit 1; /* executed */ Missing file A/html/1485138700.M951427P28098delete from `emailscamdata` where `dir` = 'A' AND `index` = '1485138700.M951427P28098' limit 1; /* executed */

The Scam Email Archive : December, 2016

The Scam Email Archive for December, 2016. Dates are those taken from the emails and may be spoofed.
YEAR: MONTH:     |   PAGE:  PREV «     » NEXT
S Advance Fee Fraud/419       P Phishing, ID Theft       A Auction/Escrow       L Lotto/Lottery       E Employment/Job       G Generic      

Date: 26 January, 2017

001  Classified as a Advance Fee Fraud/419 scam S Accept my respectful greetings in the name of our God    Miss Mariana Tinirau
Accept my respectful greetings in the name of our God
"Miss Mariana Tinirau"
Hello My name is Mariana Tinirau I live in Benin under the
statue of a refugee Gabonaise.My father deposited the sum of $
[ Detail ]
002  Classified as a Generic scam G RE: URGENT FUNDS TRANSFER    ADAMS WESLEY
Citizens Bank Of Canada
401-815 Hastings st w
Vancouver BC V6C 1B4
[ Detail ]
003  Classified as a Advance Fee Fraud/419 scam S Hello    Michael Schmidt
Michael Schmidt
Can you accept donation on behalf of any charitable organization?
Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this email, including attachments, may be
[ Detail ]

Date: 25 January, 2017

004  Classified as a Advance Fee Fraud/419 scam S Can I Trust You My Friend?    Mrs. Susan Read
Can I Trust You My Friend?
"Mrs. Susan Read"
My Dear Beloved Friend,
Greetings. Please let this not sound strange to you because I am not asking you of money, for my only surviving lawyer who w
[ Detail ]
005  Classified as a Advance Fee Fraud/419 scam S United Nations Capital Development Fund    Judith Karl UNCDF
United Nations Capital Development Fund
Judith Karl UNCDF
Good day;
My best wishes and humble regards.
How are you doing? and how is the family ? hopefully good,
At my position with the, Uni
[ Detail ]
006  Classified as a Advance Fee Fraud/419 scam S Dear Beneficiary,    UNITED NATIONS COMPENSATION COMMISSION
Dear Beneficiary,
We are solicitors in the recently concluded 2016 investigations and subsequent arrests of suspected fraudsters in Africa region, in coll
[ Detail ]
007  Classified as a Advance Fee Fraud/419 scam S Reply    Apifarm Portugal
Apifarm Portugal
I work with a Pharmaceutical company
based in Bulgaria/Portugal for the manufacturing of Anti HIV
Therapy,Hypertension Parkinson Ebola Diseases Etc, th
[ Detail ]
008  Classified as a Advance Fee Fraud/419 scam S URGENT MESSAGE.    MRS ALIMAH
From: Mrs. Alimah Shaker
No.32 Charles Owen Street
Salt River Cape Town
South Africa
Dear Sir/Madam
My Name is Mrs. Alimah Shaker; I know this wi
[ Detail ]
009  Classified as a Employment/Job scam E Quick Loans    Financial Services
Quick Loans
Financial Services
Apply for a loan at 3% reply to this Email for more Info
[ Detail ]
010  Classified as a Advance Fee Fraud/419 scam S Standard Bank: Pending credit on your account   
Standard Bank: Pending credit on your account
Dear valued customer,
There is a pending credit on your account.
Click here to
review details..
[ Detail ]

Date: 24 January, 2017

011  Classified as a Advance Fee Fraud/419 scam S Urgent!!    CBT
Dear Sir/Madam
This is to notify you that during the auditing and closing of all financial records of the Central Bank of Thailand (CBT) it was discovered from the records of outstanding
[ Detail ]
012  Classified as a Lotto/Lottery scam L 2017 Category A Official Notification.    Google Corporations.
2017 Category A Official Notification.
"Google Corporations."
Google Corporations®
Belgrave House,
76 Buckingham Palace Road,
London SW1W 9TQ,
United Kingdom.
We wish t
[ Detail ]
013  Classified as a Advance Fee Fraud/419 scam S RE !!   
RE !!
Good Day,I am MRS.LISA CLARENCE.I have offered to make you the beneficiary to my funds for Charity
work,reply via:
[ Detail ]
014  Classified as a Generic scam G FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION....   
"MMiss Donna Story"
[ Detail ]
015  Classified as a Generic scam G BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY    MR PETER ALEXANDRA
I am Mr. Peter Alexandra, representing the operation and corporate affairs
in contract related matters of Exxon Mobil in London
[ Detail ]
016  Classified as a Generic scam G Chairman of Heirs Holdings, the United Bank for Africa    Offfice File
Chairman of Heirs Holdings, the United Bank for Africa
Offfice File
We officially want to inform you that an ATM Visa Card Valued at $50 Million USD only has been
accredited in your f
[ Detail ]
017  Classified as a Advance Fee Fraud/419 scam S From price william    Staff Sergeant Price William
From price william
"Staff Sergeant Price William"
Dear Friend,
I will start by Introducing myself, my name is Staff Sergeant Price William
Edward. U. S. AIR FORCE, (USAF) serve in Afghanistan Di
[ Detail ]
018  Classified as a Employment/Job scam E LOAN    DR.BOBBY MOORE
Loan Services Offered
We offer loan at low interest rate and with no credit check, we offer
Personal loans, Debt Consolidation Loan, Venture Capital, Business Loan,
[ Detail ]

Date: 23 January, 2017

019  Classified as a Generic scam G RE:    Google Inc
Google Inc
Belgrave House
76 Buckingham Palace Road
London SW1W 9TQ,
United Kingdom.
Winning No: GUK/877/798/2017
Ticket No: GUK/699/33/2017
[ Detail ]
020  Classified as a Generic scam G Re: Sales Inquiry    Ms Lidi Smith
Re: Sales Inquiry
"Ms Lidi Smith"
Good Morning,
Sorry for late reply, I called your office number but no responds why?.
Kindly Check why the two Invoice you send to us has different Bank detail
[ Detail ]
021  Classified as a Generic scam G Imoportant Notice From FBI
Imoportant Notice From FBI
Attention: The Fund Beneficiary,
The Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation is the head of this agency (FBI) and
responsible for its day-to-day o
[ Detail ]
022  Classified as a Generic scam G Attention Beneficiary,,    MONEY GRAM AGENT
Attention Beneficiary,,
Attention Beneficiary,,
This is to inform you that your one Million Five
Hundred Thousand (1.5million USD) will be send to you via
Money-gram mo
[ Detail ]
023  Classified as a Generic scam G Letter for information    Santos Charles
Letter for information
"Santos Charles"
Dear Sir/Ma,
A parcel was sent to our office for you and we have tried to deliver it several times to your address on file.
Attached is the receipt we used
[ Detail ]
024  Classified as a Advance Fee Fraud/419 scam S PART PAYMENT.    Emmanuel Gibson
Emmanuel Gibson
The sum of $4,500,000 (Four Million Five Hundred Thousand United
States Dollars) out of your over due total sum has been approved for
payment throug
[ Detail ]

Date: 22 January, 2017

025  Classified as a Advance Fee Fraud/419 scam S Dear Friend,    Mr. Tariq Zubair
Dear Friend,
"Mr. Tariq Zubair"
Dear Friend,
Good day to you and your family. I apologize if the content here-under are contrary to your moral
ethics but please treat with absolute secrecy and p
[ Detail ]
026  Classified as a Advance Fee Fraud/419 scam S Attention From Lawyer   
Attention From Lawyer
My name is Andrew Kennedy,a British and an attorney. We are private solicitors to Mr. Dmitry
Zakharchenko, the head of the Anti-Corruption Board in Russia. You can
[ Detail ]
027  Classified as a Generic scam G
Do you need a personal or business loan without stress and Quick approval? Email us with the below Info: Full Name:Loan Amount needed:Address:Telephone(Mobile):Country:Loan Duration
[ Detail ]

Date: 21 January, 2017

028  Classified as a Advance Fee Fraud/419 scam S I want you to patiently read this offer    Mrs.zenaib Ayesha Ali
I want you to patiently read this offer
"Mrs.zenaib Ayesha Ali"
I am Mrs.Ayesha Ali from Libya I write this to see if you can help me to
keep the sum of USD$10,500,000.00M with you for
[ Detail ]