The Scamdex Scam Email Archive X

From:  "Mrs. Agnes Rich" <>
Date:  Mon, 14 Jan 2008 19:17:24 -0800
Date Added:  2016-07-20 22:08:31

This Email with the Subject "PLEASE GET BACK TO ME." was received in one of Scamdex's honeypot email accounts on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 19:17:24 -0800 and has been classified as a Advance Fee Fraud/419 Scam Email. The sender shows as "Mrs. Agnes Rich" <>, although that address was probably spoofed. We recommend that you do not attempt to contact any persons or organizations referenced in this email, or follow any URLs as you may expose yourself to scammers and, at the very least, you will be added to their email address lists for spam purposes.

I am Mrs. Agnes Rich,
Am working with a Security company here in Amsterdam the Netherlands
(Holland) as vault's inspector, few weeks ago, while taking inventories of
the items in our vault, to my surprise I came across a metallic box which
had been left there for a long period of time. I was able to open the box
only to discover that the box contained hundred bills of United States
Dollars which amount to 15 million USD as being indicated on the certificate
of ownership that I saw inside the box. Right now as I am writing to you,
the said box is still in the vault unclaimed.

As at this moment, I am the only one who knows about the content of this
box, as the box was originally deposited with the company as a none
inspected consignment containing family valuables, 
I humbly seek your assistance for the claim of this box as the owner;
please do let me know if you are willing for this proposal, so that I will
immediately make the change of the ownership to your name before the onward

Our sharing ratio will be 70/30, I want to assure you that this transaction
is risk free and I would like you to keep everything confidential until we
succeeded in bringing the box out. For more inquiries feel free to ask, via
email; Tel: +31 619 785 294, Fax: +31 84 732 1939

Please always bear in mind that this suggestion is free from risk, and I
have been making effort to see that my dream comes true.
Hoping to hearing from you soon, for security reasons, until we establish
the trust and work with one accord because that is where I put all my life
hope to become a public figure, I believe, that was the way God wanted to
change my life after years of suffering with the company.

Remain bless, till I hear from you.
Mrs. Agnes Rich

I am Mrs. Agnes Rich, Am working with a Security company here in Amsterdam the Netherlands (Holland) as vault's inspector, few weeks ago, while taking inventories of the items in our vault, to my surprise I came across a metallic box which had been left there for a long period of time. I was able to open the box only to discover that the box contained hundred bills of United States Dollars which amount to 15 million USD as being indicated on the certificate of ownership that I saw inside the box. Right now as I am writing to you, the said box is still in the vault unclaimed. As at this moment, I am the only one who knows about the content of this box, as the box was originally deposited with the company as a none inspected consignment containing family valuables, I humbly seek your assistance for the claim of this box as the owner; please do let me know if you are willing for this proposal, so that I will immediately make the change of the ownership to your name before the onward claims. Our sharing ratio will be 70/30, I want to assure you that this transaction is risk free and I would like you to keep everything confidential until we succeeded in bringing the box out. For more inquiries feel free to ask, via email; Tel: +31 619 785 294, Fax: +31 84 732 1939 Please always bear in mind that this suggestion is free from risk, and I have been making effort to see that my dream comes true. Hoping to hearing from you soon, for security reasons, until we establish the trust and work with one accord because that is where I put all my life hope to become a public figure, I believe, that was the way God wanted to change my life after years of suffering with the company. Remain bless, till I hear from you. Mrs. Agnes Rich