The Scamdex Scam Email Archive X

Subject:  Please help
From:  "Salek Abungu" <>
Date:  Tue, 06 Feb 2007 05:58:53 -0800
Date Added:  2016-07-20 22:06:11

This Email with the Subject "Please help" was received in one of Scamdex's honeypot email accounts on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 05:58:53 -0800 and has been classified as a Advance Fee Fraud/419 Scam Email. The sender shows as "Salek Abungu" <>, although that address was probably spoofed. We recommend that you do not attempt to contact any persons or organizations referenced in this email, or follow any URLs as you may expose yourself to scammers and, at the very least, you will be added to their email address lists for spam purposes.

 Dear Sir,
How are you? I hope fine.I am Mr.Salek Abungu from Sudan.I am contacting you based on trust and 
confidence irrespective of the fact that we have not meet before and due to political crises in my 
country which involved the destruction of lives and livehoods in Darfur during the war between the 
government and rebel leader (John Garang) who was killed in a helicopter clash year 2004 in 
sourthern Sudan on his way back from Uganda after 21 days on seat as vice president of Sudan.
My late father Maj.Gen Daoussa Abungu was Third-comander(SLMA/A) to the Rebel leader (John 
Garang).My father was murdered in cold blood a day after late vice president John Garang.
Please I need your help on a pitiable situation in which I 'm passing through today.There is an 
information I would like you to keep very confidential.There is sum amount of money my late He 
deposited in a private finance company for safe keeping before his death by the Sudanese Millitary 
force due to during the regime of Mr.John Garang;He was incharge of mineral and allocation resource 
of gold using as an opportunity to smuggle gold to the western countries in exchange for money and 
other valuable assets.
However,the money in question is $14,000.000 Milllion U.S.Dollars.
Presently, what I would want you to do,is to assist me to get the funds withdrawn from the private 
finance company,have the same transfered to your position with your name and thereafter offer you 
15% from the total sum as your rewards for assisting me.I will use the remain balance of the money 
for an investiment in your country for the future of my our family.If you are intrested
My father registered the beneficiary of the fund with my name as his next of kin.
Please be rest assured that there is no risk in this transaction during the process for 
thewithdrawal/transfer but i would like you to keep this transaction to your self to avoid eyes 
elbows of third party as the funds was deposited as An artist in a safe truck box for security 
Morover,the Sudan government through it's various agents has confisticated all my late father known 
properties since his death.Go through below website to find more details of what my country have 
passed through.
Response on reciept of this mail with your desire of the percentage map out for you for further 
arrangement on how the funds can be transfered to your position after the proceess has been done.
Mr.Salek Abungu.

Dear Sir, How are you? I hope fine.I am Mr.Salek Abungu from Sudan.I am contacting you based on trust and confidence irrespective of the fact that we have not meet before and due to political crises in my country which involved the destruction of lives and livehoods in Darfur during the war between the government and rebel leader (John Garang) who was killed in a helicopter clash year 2004 in sourthern Sudan on his way back from Uganda after 21 days on seat as vice president of Sudan. My late father Maj.Gen Daoussa Abungu was Third-comander(SLMA/A) to the Rebel leader (John Garang).My father was murdered in cold blood a day after late vice president John Garang. Please I need your help on a pitiable situation in which I 'm passing through today.There is an information I would like you to keep very confidential.There is sum amount of money my late He deposited in a private finance company for safe keeping before his death by the Sudanese Millitary force due to during the regime of Mr.John Garang;He was incharge of mineral and allocation resource of gold using as an opportunity to smuggle gold to the western countries in exchange for money and other valuable assets. However,the money in question is $14,000.000 Milllion U.S.Dollars. Presently, what I would want you to do,is to assist me to get the funds withdrawn from the private finance company,have the same transfered to your position with your name and thereafter offer you 15% from the total sum as your rewards for assisting me.I will use the remain balance of the money for an investiment in your country for the future of my our family.If you are intrested My father registered the beneficiary of the fund with my name as his next of kin. Please be rest assured that there is no risk in this transaction during the process for thewithdrawal/transfer but i would like you to keep this transaction to your self to avoid eyes elbows of third party as the funds was deposited as An artist in a safe truck box for security porpose. Morover,the Sudan government through it's various agents has confisticated all my late father known properties since his death.Go through below website to find more details of what my country have passed through. Response on reciept of this mail with your desire of the percentage map out for you for further arrangement on how the funds can be transfered to your position after the proceess has been done. Regards, Mr.Salek Abungu.