The Scamdex Scam Email Archive X

Subject:  Can you help me receive US$5 million in your account
From:  "Sanka Dalia" <>
Date:  Fri, 05 Jan 2007 12:08:01 -0800
Date Added:  2016-07-20 22:05:42

This Email with the Subject "Can you help me receive US$5 million in your account" was received in one of Scamdex's honeypot email accounts on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 12:08:01 -0800 and has been classified as a Advance Fee Fraud/419 Scam Email. The sender shows as "Sanka Dalia" <>, although that address was probably spoofed. We recommend that you do not attempt to contact any persons or organizations referenced in this email, or follow any URLs as you may expose yourself to scammers and, at the very least, you will be added to their email address lists for spam purposes.

Dear Sir,
Let me briefly tell you a bit about me, I am 19 years old Miss Sanka Dalia the only daughter of the 
late Mr Ahmed Dalia i was a student before my father died, since he died I had to quit school for 
some time because my situation became quite difficult. My father was a diamond merchant here in 
Abidjan, unfortunately on one of his trips to Afghanistan, it happened during the US bombings he 
never came back. All I pray is that his soul rest in peace.
Bottom of Form 1
I have documents that prove that he has $5m in a bank here that has my name as next of kin, because 
of the political situation here I will need a reliable and trustworthy person outside my country 
that will help me transfer the money into their country, I am underage and have not yet reached the 
legal age of 21. I will need that person to be my legal guardian and get in touch with the local 
bank here and inquire on the procedures to have the funds transferred out of the country....this is 
all I ask of you, so that I can eventual move to your countryand finish my education.
I hope now that you really understand my situation. Before continuing, I will like to inform you 
that this is risk free. It is completely risk free. The money that I told you I want to transfer 
into your bank account is my inheritance from my late father. It is a legally acquired money so 
there is nothing wrong about it. I want to transfer the money into your bank account after which, I 
shall travel to meet with you in your country so that we can invest the money in lucrative business 
of your choice I am only 20 years old now and I do not have any experience of investment. I am 
hoping on you to make the investment. Before i contacted you, I went to the bank here where the 
money was deposited to inform them that I want them to release the money to me. The bank people 
told me that their was an agreement with my late father during the time of deposit that the money 
will not be given or released to me his next of kin in the event of his death until I am at least 
24 years of age. Now that I am not up to 24 years, the bank said that I have to appoint another 
person who will act as my guardian so that they will release and transfer the money directly to the 
person's account. This is the reason why I have contacted you urgently to help me receive the 
money. It is true that we do not know each other before now, I believe that we can work with one 
another and become a very reliable partners. Once I hear and conclude with you, I shall give you 
the contact of the bank here so that you can contact the bank as my guardian and request for urgent 
transfer of this fund to your account. The bank is already aware that I should appoint some one and 
they have been waiting for me to give them the name of the person and information so that they will 
commence the transfer. The bank will work directly with you and will release the money directly to 
any account you shall donate this means that you will need to provide a bank valid account where 
the money will be transferred into. Once the money is transferred to your account you shall send me 
some money from my money so that I can arrange for my traveling documents and come over to meet 
you. If you need to know anymore thing, do not hesitate to ask me so that I can answer. When I 
receive your next reply.
I will leave you here and until I hear from you,
I remain. Sanka Dalia

Dear Sir, Let me briefly tell you a bit about me, I am 19 years old Miss Sanka Dalia the only daughter of the late Mr Ahmed Dalia i was a student before my father died, since he died I had to quit school for some time because my situation became quite difficult. My father was a diamond merchant here in Abidjan, unfortunately on one of his trips to Afghanistan, it happened during the US bombings he never came back. All I pray is that his soul rest in peace. Bottom of Form 1 I have documents that prove that he has $5m in a bank here that has my name as next of kin, because of the political situation here I will need a reliable and trustworthy person outside my country that will help me transfer the money into their country, I am underage and have not yet reached the legal age of 21. I will need that person to be my legal guardian and get in touch with the local bank here and inquire on the procedures to have the funds transferred out of the country....this is all I ask of you, so that I can eventual move to your countryand finish my education. I hope now that you really understand my situation. Before continuing, I will like to inform you that this is risk free. It is completely risk free. The money that I told you I want to transfer into your bank account is my inheritance from my late father. It is a legally acquired money so there is nothing wrong about it. I want to transfer the money into your bank account after which, I shall travel to meet with you in your country so that we can invest the money in lucrative business of your choice I am only 20 years old now and I do not have any experience of investment. I am hoping on you to make the investment. Before i contacted you, I went to the bank here where the money was deposited to inform them that I want them to release the money to me. The bank people told me that their was an agreement with my late father during the time of deposit that the money will not be given or released to me his next of kin in the event of his death until I am at least 24 years of age. Now that I am not up to 24 years, the bank said that I have to appoint another person who will act as my guardian so that they will release and transfer the money directly to the person's account. This is the reason why I have contacted you urgently to help me receive the money. It is true that we do not know each other before now, I believe that we can work with one another and become a very reliable partners. Once I hear and conclude with you, I shall give you the contact of the bank here so that you can contact the bank as my guardian and request for urgent transfer of this fund to your account. The bank is already aware that I should appoint some one and they have been waiting for me to give them the name of the person and information so that they will commence the transfer. The bank will work directly with you and will release the money directly to any account you shall donate this means that you will need to provide a bank valid account where the money will be transferred into. Once the money is transferred to your account you shall send me some money from my money so that I can arrange for my traveling documents and come over to meet you. If you need to know anymore thing, do not hesitate to ask me so that I can answer. When I receive your next reply. I will leave you here and until I hear from you, I remain. Sanka Dalia