The Scamdex Scam Email Archive X

Subject:  Request for foreign partnership
From:  "Request for help" <>
Date:  Tue, 05 Dec 2006 07:36:05 -0800
Date Added:  2016-07-20 22:04:45

This Email with the Subject "Request for foreign partnership" was received in one of Scamdex's honeypot email accounts on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 07:36:05 -0800 and has been classified as a Advance Fee Fraud/419 Scam Email. The sender shows as "Request for help" <>, although that address was probably spoofed. We recommend that you do not attempt to contact any persons or organizations referenced in this email, or follow any URLs as you may expose yourself to scammers and, at the very least, you will be added to their email address lists for spam purposes.


Dear Sir,
I am sending this business proposal, hoping that we can work together
based on the details I have been able to get. This is a highly benefiting
business deal with immense financial benefits. ITS NOT CHILD'S PLAY. I
represent the complete interest of my Boss in all aspects of these
Business TRANSACTION. My Boss has permitted me to contact you.
I am Engineer Director Henry Njalakwan and Personal assistant to the
company under the CAMEROON NATIONAL PETROLEUM COMPANY . We supervise
the multinational oil companies operating in AFRICA and also
to develop areas where they operate . THAT IS SOURCE
In CAMEROON oil and gas sector, Each of these oil companies form a
cartel that collaborate to fleece the nation. And the fleecing began right
from the first signing of the joint venture and petroleum sharing
contracts, between government and this big oil companies. This joint
venture were known to be a fraud. The S.O.N.A.R.A WAS in this Joint Venture
(JV) partnership at government 60% and 40% oil companies equity share
respectively. This was to determine or know our assets apart from crude
oil, and to also show what the companies and government were entitled to.
This agreement indicateS:
[1]Profit per barrel produce
[2]Pricing per barrel
[3]Investment on every barrel produce, and these were also entitled to an
additional per barrel as reserve bonuses.
Unfortunately government had no way of monitoring to confirm the figures
given by these oil companies, it was because of this knowledge that the
president of the country decided to revoke
the allocation by past government. As part of this oversight the Senate
Committee on Petroleum Resources, summoned the S.O.N.A.R.A and the Joint venture
partners in the nations oil and gas industry to justify the 54 Billion
FRANCS CFA about [US$367, US$810 & US$936 million Respectively] allocated
respectively to the 3 JV Partners oil companies in the 2004 Appropriation
Bill under the integrity sub-head.
The 3 JV Partners oil companies were unprepared for the revelation that
hit them. One of the JV partners, PAN OCEAN OIL COMPANY confounded the
lawmakers by disclaiming the US$810 million allocated to it under the
sub-head. It claimed that it did not need the money as there was nothing
to repair in its flow station since its equipment were still new. The
revelation confirmed the suspicion of many people that the upstream sector
of the nations oil industry has become a nest of corruption. The
submission by Pan ocean oil company raises several questions.
The JV operators were accused of always duplicating expenditure items
for both the JV and production sharing contracts, and also by submitting a
single work program for JV and PSC concessions instead of separating them.
And this way the government which is my company CAMEROON PETROLEUM
DEVELOPMENT COMPANY [S.O.N.A.R.A] a parastatal company under the CAMEROON
NATIONAL PETROLEUM COMPANY ends up paying this JV companies twice
for the same itemS
It is this money and some other FUNDS that are UNACCOUNTED for that we
want you to help receive into your custody. Plans have been smoothly
worked out to remit this funds to you immediately you indicate interest
that you can help in receiving the said amount. There is no molestation
nor delay in transferring the funds into your nominated account.
Sincerity is our watch word for this transaction. Please indicate by
replying to this mail. As our foreign partner you will be highly
compensated on percentage basis after the whole transaction has been
concluded. You must also be trusted. This is our reason contacting you. Your
reply will be appreciated. Please i need your urgent reply because we must transfer
this money out of Africa before the next fiscal year:
please keep it as top secret for security reasons( phone calls or communication
is strickly controlled or checked now because of terrorism and illegal drug marketting)
Director eng Henry Njalakwan
direct reply to:

FROM THE DESK OF PRIVATE PETROLEUM COMPANY . SONARA LIMBE SOUTH WEST PROVINCE REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON DIRECTOR: ENG HENRY NJALAKWAN DATE:02.12.06 E,MAIL. Dear Sir, I am sending this business proposal, hoping that we can work together based on the details I have been able to get. This is a highly benefiting business deal with immense financial benefits. ITS NOT CHILD'S PLAY. I represent the complete interest of my Boss in all aspects of these Business TRANSACTION. My Boss has permitted me to contact you. I am Engineer Director Henry Njalakwan and Personal assistant to the Chairman of CAMEROON PETROLEUM DEVELOPMENT COMPANY [S.O.N.A.R.A] a parastatal company under the CAMEROON NATIONAL PETROLEUM COMPANY . We supervise the multinational oil companies operating in AFRICA and also to develop areas where they operate . THAT IS SOURCE In CAMEROON oil and gas sector, Each of these oil companies form a cartel that collaborate to fleece the nation. And the fleecing began right from the first signing of the joint venture and petroleum sharing contracts, between government and this big oil companies. This joint venture were known to be a fraud. The S.O.N.A.R.A WAS in this Joint Venture (JV) partnership at government 60% and 40% oil companies equity share respectively. This was to determine or know our assets apart from crude oil, and to also show what the companies and government were entitled to. This agreement indicateS: [1]Profit per barrel produce [2]Pricing per barrel [3]Investment on every barrel produce, and these were also entitled to an additional per barrel as reserve bonuses. Unfortunately government had no way of monitoring to confirm the figures given by these oil companies, it was because of this knowledge that the president of the country decided to revoke the allocation by past government. As part of this oversight the Senate Committee on Petroleum Resources, summoned the S.O.N.A.R.A and the Joint venture partners in the nations oil and gas industry to justify the 54 Billion FRANCS CFA about [US$367, US$810 & US$936 million Respectively] allocated respectively to the 3 JV Partners oil companies in the 2004 Appropriation Bill under the integrity sub-head. The 3 JV Partners oil companies were unprepared for the revelation that hit them. One of the JV partners, PAN OCEAN OIL COMPANY confounded the lawmakers by disclaiming the US$810 million allocated to it under the sub-head. It claimed that it did not need the money as there was nothing to repair in its flow station since its equipment were still new. The revelation confirmed the suspicion of many people that the upstream sector of the nations oil industry has become a nest of corruption. The submission by Pan ocean oil company raises several questions. The JV operators were accused of always duplicating expenditure items for both the JV and production sharing contracts, and also by submitting a single work program for JV and PSC concessions instead of separating them. And this way the government which is my company CAMEROON PETROLEUM DEVELOPMENT COMPANY [S.O.N.A.R.A] a parastatal company under the CAMEROON NATIONAL PETROLEUM COMPANY ends up paying this JV companies twice for the same itemS OUR PROPOSAL TO YOU: It is this money and some other FUNDS that are UNACCOUNTED for that we want you to help receive into your custody. Plans have been smoothly worked out to remit this funds to you immediately you indicate interest that you can help in receiving the said amount. There is no molestation nor delay in transferring the funds into your nominated account. Sincerity is our watch word for this transaction. Please indicate by replying to this mail. As our foreign partner you will be highly compensated on percentage basis after the whole transaction has been concluded. You must also be trusted. This is our reason contacting you. Your reply will be appreciated. Please i need your urgent reply because we must transfer this money out of Africa before the next fiscal year: please keep it as top secret for security reasons( phone calls or communication is strickly controlled or checked now because of terrorism and illegal drug marketting) BEST REGARDS Director eng Henry Njalakwan direct reply to: