The Scamdex Scam Email Archive X

Subject:  †No Subject†
From:  mrselizabeth powell <>
Date:  Wed, 02 Jan 2008 03:36:35 -0800
Date Added:  2015-07-14 21:26:00

This Email with the Subject "†No Subject†" was received in one of Scamdex's honeypot email accounts on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 03:36:35 -0800 and has been classified as a Advance Fee Fraud/419 Scam Email. The sender shows as mrselizabeth powell <>, although that address was probably spoofed. We recommend that you do not attempt to contact any persons or organizations referenced in this email, or follow any URLs as you may expose yourself to scammers and, at the very least, you will be added to their email address lists for spam purposes.

Dear friend,
I crave your indulgence at this mail coming from somebody you have not known before. I decided to do this after praying over the situation.  Please consider my condition,  and not the fact that you have not known me before. I need not dwell on how I came by your contact information because there are many such possibilities these days.
I  am Mrs.Elizabeth  Powell,a citizen  of Great Britain. I am the  wife and widow to Late Mr. Julius  Powell  (a former British ambassador to Republic of Benin,West Africa ), who died in 2005.I have  recently been diagnosed of Cancer of the Pelvic and my doctor said," no hope of survivi".
I am writing from my laptop on my  sick bed in this Royal clinic,Wembledon,South London.My husband  left in a charity trust foudation account ,the sum of £25 Million in The Royal  bank of Scotland.And my husband is the only child of his deceased parents.
I need a reliable person urgently to co-operate with.Because of my deteroriating health condition and my husband's death, I am looking for a credible person to whom I will pass the right of next of kin as I and my husband have no child or children to pass over the right of next of kin. This  person will apply to the bank and request for the transfer of the fund  to his or her bank account. This is on the condition that you will take 35% of the fund for yourself,5%  will  be used to settle expenses incured.While you will use the remaining 60% for the less  privilege people in the society.
This is in fulfillment of the last request of my  husband: That a substantial part of the fund be used to carter for the less privilege and ,also to donate for the relief of tsunami victims.If this condition is acceptable to you, you should contact me immediately with your full names and contactinformation On the receipt of your interest,I will instruct you on what to do  ,to commece the   proccess immediately.
Due to  the seriousness of my illness,I cannot predict what will be my fate . If you are interested to assist me in  this charitable  service for sake of  humanity ,please indicate  and send  your correct name, phone number,email address,country of origin,age,profession and sex.Email through the above address ,
May GOD bless you.
Mrs. Elizabeth  Powell

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Dear friend,
I crave your indulgence at this mail coming from somebody you have not known before. I decided to do this after praying over the situation.  Please consider my condition,  and not the fact that you have not known me before. I need not dwell on how I came by your contact information because there are many such possibilities these days.
I  am Mrs.Elizabeth  Powell,a citizen  of Great Britain. I am the  wife and widow to Late Mr. Julius  Powell  (a former British ambassador to Republic of Benin,West Africa ), who died in 2005.I have  recently been diagnosed of Cancer of the Pelvic and my doctor said," no hope of survivi".
I am writing from my laptop on my  sick bed in this Royal clinic,Wembledon,South London.My husband  left in a charity trust foudation account ,the sum of £25 Million in The Royal  bank of Scotland.And my husband is the only child of his deceased parents.
I need a reliable person urgently to co-operate with.Because of my deteroriating health condition and my husband's death, I am looking for a credible person to whom I will pass the right of next of kin as I and my husband have no child or children to pass over the right of next of kin. This  person will apply to the bank and request for the transfer of the fund  to his or her bank account. This is on the condition that you will take 35% of the fund for yourself,5%  will  be used to settle expenses incured.While you will use the remaining 60% for the less  privilege people in the society.
This is in fulfillment of the last request of my  husband: That a substantial part of the fund be used to carter for the less privilege and ,also to donate for the relief of tsunami victims.If this condition is acceptable to you, you should contact me immediately with your full names and contactinformation On the receipt of your interest,I will instruct you on what to do  ,to commece the   proccess immediately.
Due to  the seriousness of my illness,I cannot predict what will be my fate . If you are interested to assist me in  this charitable  service for sake of  humanity ,please indicate  and send  your correct name, phone number,email address,country of origin,age,profession and sex.Email through the above address ,
May GOD bless you.
Mrs. Elizabeth  Powell

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