The Scamdex Scam Email Archive X

Subject:  Urgent Massage From Donald Collins
From:  "Mr Donald Collins" <>
Date:  Wed, 23 Aug 2006 07:37:38 -0700
Date Added:  2016-07-20 21:56:31

This Email with the Subject "Urgent Massage From Donald Collins" was received in one of Scamdex's honeypot email accounts on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 07:37:38 -0700 and has been classified as a Advance Fee Fraud/419 Scam Email. The sender shows as "Mr Donald Collins" <>, although that address was probably spoofed. We recommend that you do not attempt to contact any persons or organizations referenced in this email, or follow any URLs as you may expose yourself to scammers and, at the very least, you will be added to their email address lists for spam purposes.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I inherited a huge amount of money from my late father,I wrote you in order to solicite for your 
help and assistance with hope you will understand my situation.

My name is  Donald Collins .I am 21 years old from the republic of Liberia in west Africa,now 
seeking refuge in Dakar Senegal under the Unite Nation High
Commission For Refugees (UNHCR). My (late) father Dr. Zamani Colins ,was the managing director J & 
D Oil company in (MONROVIA) Liberia. But he was killed along side with my senior brother during the 
longing civil war by rebels and all our properties was totally destroyed.

However,after their death and burial I managed to escape with a very important document (DEPOSIT 
CERTIFICATE)of(US$5.5m) Five million Five hundred thousand U.S Dollars,this document indicated me 
as the Next of Kin .Meanwhile,I am saddled with the problem of securing a trust worthy foriegn 
personality or an organisation to help me transfer the money over to his/her country with the 
intention of investing it in a business under his/her directives and supervisstions,because I have 
no knowledge of investment.

Please if you are so kind as to assist me I shall send to you all vital informations for your 
confirmation regarding the bank where the fund was lodged. I am giving you this offers as mentioned 
with every confidence on your acceptance to assist me as your son and manage the money in my behalf 
untill such a time I am able to stand on my feet.I will be happy to hear
from y ou.

God Bless you as you consider my plea.

Donald Collins

Dear Sir/Madam, I inherited a huge amount of money from my late father,I wrote you in order to solicite for your help and assistance with hope you will understand my situation. My name is Donald Collins .I am 21 years old from the republic of Liberia in west Africa,now seeking refuge in Dakar Senegal under the Unite Nation High Commission For Refugees (UNHCR). My (late) father Dr. Zamani Colins ,was the managing director J & D Oil company in (MONROVIA) Liberia. But he was killed along side with my senior brother during the longing civil war by rebels and all our properties was totally destroyed. However,after their death and burial I managed to escape with a very important document (DEPOSIT CERTIFICATE)of(US$5.5m) Five million Five hundred thousand U.S Dollars,this document indicated me as the Next of Kin .Meanwhile,I am saddled with the problem of securing a trust worthy foriegn personality or an organisation to help me transfer the money over to his/her country with the intention of investing it in a business under his/her directives and supervisstions,because I have no knowledge of investment. Please if you are so kind as to assist me I shall send to you all vital informations for your confirmation regarding the bank where the fund was lodged. I am giving you this offers as mentioned with every confidence on your acceptance to assist me as your son and manage the money in my behalf untill such a time I am able to stand on my feet.I will be happy to hear from y ou. God Bless you as you consider my plea. Donald Collins