The Scamdex Scam Email Archive X

Subject:  URGENT RESPONSE NEEDED From Ahlaji. Muhammadu Saad Abubakar III.
Date:  Sun, 10 Dec 2006 15:02:38 -0800
Date Added:  2016-07-20 21:56:16

This Email with the Subject "URGENT RESPONSE NEEDED From Ahlaji. Muhammadu Saad Abubakar III." was received in one of Scamdex's honeypot email accounts on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 15:02:38 -0800 and has been classified as a Advance Fee Fraud/419 Scam Email. The sender shows as "CONFIDENTIAL MATTER" <>, although that address was probably spoofed. We recommend that you do not attempt to contact any persons or organizations referenced in this email, or follow any URLs as you may expose yourself to scammers and, at the very least, you will be added to their email address lists for spam purposes.


My name is Ahlaji. Muhammadu Saad Abubakar , the new sultan of the northern
state, Sokoto of Nigeria. I need your services in a confidential matter
regarding consignment out of a family beneficiary deposit. This requires a
private arrangement please.

You will receive these funds of US$ 50,000,000.00 under a diplomatic claims
in Two Truck boxes. All legal documents have been carefully worked out to
ensure a risk free transfer. I am willing to pay a generous management fee
to you as well as appreciation as soon as this transaction is completed.

I have all the details and our correspondences will be via email for now
because of my new replacement of my brother (Ahlaji Muhammadu Maccido) who
recently died in Sunday's plane crash in Abuja-Nigeria that killed 96

The funds in question are quite large. I will expect a straight answer from
you. Yes or no. If yes, Kindly furnish me with your personal information
which includes your direct cell phone and fax  number, your address and
other details of yours through the below my private email, 
then lets work out the modalities on how to move this consignment to your
country for investment. You can read more about me through WTOP online site
and let this transaction be confidential and urgent because you are the
only person i have contacted for now and i got your email from the online
directory. Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.

Ahlaji. Muhammadu Saad Abubakar III.
Private Email:

Helllo, My name is Ahlaji. Muhammadu Saad Abubakar , the new sultan of the northern state, Sokoto of Nigeria. I need your services in a confidential matter regarding consignment out of a family beneficiary deposit. This requires a private arrangement please. You will receive these funds of US$ 50,000,000.00 under a diplomatic claims in Two Truck boxes. All legal documents have been carefully worked out to ensure a risk free transfer. I am willing to pay a generous management fee to you as well as appreciation as soon as this transaction is completed. I have all the details and our correspondences will be via email for now because of my new replacement of my brother (Ahlaji Muhammadu Maccido) who recently died in Sunday's plane crash in Abuja-Nigeria that killed 96 people. The funds in question are quite large. I will expect a straight answer from you. Yes or no. If yes, Kindly furnish me with your personal information which includes your direct cell phone and fax number, your address and other details of yours through the below my private email, then lets work out the modalities on how to move this consignment to your country for investment. You can read more about me through WTOP online site ( and let this transaction be confidential and urgent because you are the only person i have contacted for now and i got your email from the online directory. Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Insha'Allah, Ahlaji. Muhammadu Saad Abubakar III. Private Email: