The Scamdex Scam Email Archive X

Date:  Wed, 17 Jan 2007 02:00:35 -0800
Date Added:  2016-07-20 21:53:35

This Email with the Subject "I SEEK FOR YOUR ADVICE AND ASSISTANCE PLEASE." was received in one of Scamdex's honeypot email accounts on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 02:00:35 -0800 and has been classified as a Advance Fee Fraud/419 Scam Email. The sender shows as "MISS JAMILA IBRAHIM." <>, although that address was probably spoofed. We recommend that you do not attempt to contact any persons or organizations referenced in this email, or follow any URLs as you may expose yourself to scammers and, at the very least, you will be added to their email address lists for spam purposes.

Dear Sir,
My name is Jamila Ibrahim,am 24 years old from Sierra-Leone, the only daughter of Dr.Usman 
Ibrahim.Former Personal Assistance to the present Minister for Mines and Natural Resources 
in-charge of the diamond production sales in my country Sierra-Leone.
Unfortunately some months ago before the peace pact in my country, my father and his colleagues 
were killed by rebel group of Mr. Dunga Sankibo during an inspection visit to the rich diamond 
mining area in the village of Izumba, where the rebels laid an ambush and open fire on the convoy 
killing my father and some of his colleagues who where on their way to the diamond mining zone.
Following the peace pact that was introduce by the united nation keeping force some months back,my 
mother deem it fit to say that it is right time for us to leave the country for safety and for 
europe or any other stable economic bloc with the 6.5.million Pounds six.five million Pounds 
deposited by my late father in a finance house on my name as the next of kin or beneficiary,
I want you to assist us so that we can transfer this money to your account for safe keeping pending 
our arrival to your country, to start up an investment in your country through your wise advice. 
You will act as our international business representative and also my family business associate,so 
that we can transfer this money to your account for safe keeping.
We are now in Dakar-Senegal for the facilitation of this transaction.Please kindly communicate your 
acceptance or otherwise of this proposal through email address for us to discuss the modalities of 
seeing this transaction through.
However, if you are not disposed to assist kindly destroy the letter in view of the families 
interest and personal security. I count on you greatly for your assistance.
Please,if How i contacted you is not okay with you,do not hesitate to tell me and provide another 
address where i will be contacting you.A good percentage awaits you for your assistance.
Expecting to hear from you soon.
Yours Faithfully,
Miss Jamila Ibrahim.

Dear Sir, (Assalamalaikum) My name is Jamila Ibrahim,am 24 years old from Sierra-Leone, the only daughter of Dr.Usman Ibrahim.Former Personal Assistance to the present Minister for Mines and Natural Resources in-charge of the diamond production sales in my country Sierra-Leone. Unfortunately some months ago before the peace pact in my country, my father and his colleagues were killed by rebel group of Mr. Dunga Sankibo during an inspection visit to the rich diamond mining area in the village of Izumba, where the rebels laid an ambush and open fire on the convoy killing my father and some of his colleagues who where on their way to the diamond mining zone. Following the peace pact that was introduce by the united nation keeping force some months back,my mother deem it fit to say that it is right time for us to leave the country for safety and for europe or any other stable economic bloc with the 6.5.million Pounds six.five million Pounds deposited by my late father in a finance house on my name as the next of kin or beneficiary, I want you to assist us so that we can transfer this money to your account for safe keeping pending our arrival to your country, to start up an investment in your country through your wise advice. You will act as our international business representative and also my family business associate,so that we can transfer this money to your account for safe keeping. We are now in Dakar-Senegal for the facilitation of this transaction.Please kindly communicate your acceptance or otherwise of this proposal through email address for us to discuss the modalities of seeing this transaction through. However, if you are not disposed to assist kindly destroy the letter in view of the families interest and personal security. I count on you greatly for your assistance. Please,if How i contacted you is not okay with you,do not hesitate to tell me and provide another address where i will be contacting you.A good percentage awaits you for your assistance. Expecting to hear from you soon. Yours Faithfully, Miss Jamila Ibrahim.