The Scamdex Scam Email Archive X

Subject:  Business Opportunity
From:  "Oliver Maneti" <>
Date:  Mon, 08 Jan 2007 15:26:40 -0800
Date Added:  2016-07-20 21:35:54

This Email with the Subject "Business Opportunity" was received in one of Scamdex's honeypot email accounts on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 15:26:40 -0800 and has been classified as a Advance Fee Fraud/419 Scam Email. The sender shows as "Oliver Maneti" <>, although that address was probably spoofed. We recommend that you do not attempt to contact any persons or organizations referenced in this email, or follow any URLs as you may expose yourself to scammers and, at the very least, you will be added to their email address lists for spam purposes.


                                                       STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.
             You may be surprised to receive this letter from me since you don't know me personally.
I am Mr. Oliver Maneti ,the first son of Late David Maneti,who was mudered in a land dispute in
Zimbabwe.I got your contact through an internet trade journal here in Italy and I decided to contact
you as a matter of fact.I did not know your person but I relied on faith to see me through.Before the
death of my father,he had the sum of US$15Million (Fifteen Million United States Dollars),in his
 Escrow Account with the Reserve Bank Of South Africa (SARB ) in South Africa,as if he foresaw
 the looming danger in Zimbabwe.
                  This fund was meant for the purchase of new machinery and agro-chemicals for
the new farms in Swaziland. This land problem came when our President Robert Mugabe introduced
 a new land act "Modi Operadus" reform which wholly affected the rich white farmers and some black
farmers as well.A lot of people were killed because of this land reformed "Act" which my late father
was one of the victims.
Based on this,my family were scattered. I am staying here in Italy as a refugee while my mother  and
my younger sisters are staying in South Africa as refugees.We decided to contact you to assist us in
transfering this money to your country for investment.The monetary/investment Law of South Africa
 and Italy prohibt refugees(assylum seekers) to run bank accounts or be involved in any business
transaction/investment.It is on this that we contacted you hoping that youwill assist us with the name of God.
                As the only son,I am saddled with the responsibility of seeking a genuine and an honest person
who will assist us in transfering this fund out of South Africa without the knowledge of my country
(Zimbabwe)government who are bent on taking everything that my late father had after confiscating all
his farm lands and investment in Zimbabwe.We are left with nothing here.
For your kind assistance my Mother and I are offering you 30% of the fund after the succesful transfer
 of the fund to your account.5% will be set aside for any expenses that might result in the process of
this transaction,while the remaining 65% will be for my family which will be used for investment in your
 country under your direction as we don't know anything about investment.
                Contact me with the above e-mail if this proposal is of interest to you, while I implore
you to maintain absolute confidentiality required in this transaction.

Yours truly,
Mr.Oliver Maneti.
(For the Family)

                                                       STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.
             You may be surprised to receive this letter from me since you don't know me personally. I am Mr. Oliver Maneti ,the first son of Late David Maneti,who was mudered in a land dispute in Zimbabwe.I got your contact through an internet trade journal here in Italy and I decided to contact you as a matter of fact.I did not know your person but I relied on faith to see me through.Before the death of my father,he had the sum of US$15Million (Fifteen Million United States Dollars),in his  Escrow Account with the Reserve Bank Of South Africa (SARB ) in South Africa,as if he foresaw  the looming danger in Zimbabwe.
                  This fund was meant for the purchase of new machinery and agro-chemicals for
the new farms in Swaziland. This land problem came when our President Robert Mugabe introduced  a new land act "Modi Operadus" reform which wholly affected the rich white farmers and some black farmers as well.A lot of people were killed because of this land reformed "Act" which my late father was one of the victims.
Based on this,my family were scattered. I am staying here in Italy as a refugee while my mother  and my younger sisters are staying in South Africa as refugees.We decided to contact you to assist us in transfering this money to your country for investment.The monetary/investment Law of South Africa  and Italy prohibt refugees(assylum seekers) to run bank accounts or be involved in any business transaction/investment.It is on this that we contacted you hoping that youwill assist us with the name of God.
                As the only son,I am saddled with the responsibility of seeking a genuine and an honest person who will assist us in transfering this fund out of South Africa without the knowledge of my country (Zimbabwe)government who are bent on taking everything that my late father had after confiscating all his farm lands and investment in Zimbabwe.We are left with nothing here.
For your kind assistance my Mother and I are offering you 30% of the fund after the succesful transfer  of the fund to your account.5% will be set aside for any expenses that might result in the process of this transaction,while the remaining 65% will be for my family which will be used for investment in your  country under your direction as we don't know anything about investment.
                Contact me with the above e-mail if this proposal is of interest to you, while I implore you to maintain absolute confidentiality required in this transaction.

Yours truly,
Mr.Oliver Maneti.
(For the Family)