The Scamdex Scam Email Archive X

From:  "Abdul Aziz Mohamed" <>
Date:  Thu, 28 Sep 2006 03:51:19 -0700
Date Added:  2016-07-20 21:35:49

This Email with the Subject "WRITE ME BACK AFTER READING THIS MAIL" was received in one of Scamdex's honeypot email accounts on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 03:51:19 -0700 and has been classified as a Advance Fee Fraud/419 Scam Email. The sender shows as "Abdul Aziz Mohamed" <>, although that address was probably spoofed. We recommend that you do not attempt to contact any persons or organizations referenced in this email, or follow any URLs as you may expose yourself to scammers and, at the very least, you will be added to their email address lists for spam purposes.

Assalamu Alaikum,
In the name of Allah the Beneficent; the Merciful,the Master of the day of Judgement , I greet you 
in the name of Allah. I am formally Miguel Marcos Llera from Cuba.I was born into a strong and 
devoted catholic family.All through my life I have been doing business and i was into gold mining
and selling.I met our creator and the meciful one Almigthy Allah when i was having a business deal 
with one of my partners from U.A.E and from the day i was given the Islamic bath(Tawheed) my name 
changed to Abdul Aziz Mohamed.On 10th Feburary 2004 myself and my family and my business partner 
took a flight from kish to sharjah and we flew kish airline.We had a plane crash
and all members of my family including my very good friend lost their lives.
I give thanks to Allah that i am one of the lucky ones that survived the crash.The airline was 
under the management of one Mr Shabab Attarzadeh who was later sacked after this incidence. I had 
to return to my home town in Cuba and i am now left with my relatives to take care of me. Owing to
the fact that my relatives knows i have reverted to Islam, they have left me to suffer in pain. 
what disturbs me most is stroke that i have. I have developed paralyses from my waist region 
downward i am taking this bold step to let you know that i want to leave in your care the sum of 
$12.2 million United States Dollars i deposited in a security company for the enhancement and 
propagation of the word of Almighty Allah.
Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to a mosque, or an Islamic organization or 
better still a muslem that will utilize this funds the way I am going to instruct here in. My main 
aim of doing this is for the propagation and upholding of the message of Prophet Muhammad(peace be
upon Him).I want this funds to be used for Zakah and for helping the poor in fasting in Ramadan and 
performing Pilgrimage. Also In the western world, you find out that the message of Allah has not 
yet Really gotten there. The message of Islam must not only be preached and Upheld, but also our 
youths have to be called back to the right path and thereby Reawaken their consciousness. Allah 
didn’t send Muhammad (peace be upon him)to one Particular tribe, but to mankind at large.Surah 
#2.254 "Allah commands His slaves to Spend out of what He has provided them in His way, in charity 
that they May Accumulate their reward with their lord and proprietor.
It is for this reason they should hasten up to do in this world before the Day of Resurrection in 
which neither bargaining nor friendship nor intercession shall avail.No one can bail himself out or 
can he ransom himself even if he spent, for that purpose, and earth load of gold. Nor can kinship 
avail him.(#23.101)For now i don’t want any calls from you because of the presence of my relatives 
that are always around me and i don’t want them to know my plans. Do get back at me to my private 
mail address </ym/Compose?> Hoping to hear 
from you soonest and do notify your interest to help me to Propagate Islam.
All praise is due to Allah Who brought everything into existence and May the peace and blessing of 
Allah be upon our noble Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) and His virtuous adorers till the day 
of Judgment.May Allah bless you as you respond to my plea? Ma-Salam,
Abdul Aziz Mohamed,
Nb: Please note that for my security you have to reply me through my private e-mail address </ym/Compose?>

Assalamu Alaikum, In the name of Allah the Beneficent; the Merciful,the Master of the day of Judgement , I greet you in the name of Allah. I am formally Miguel Marcos Llera from Cuba.I was born into a strong and devoted catholic family.All through my life I have been doing business and i was into gold mining and selling.I met our creator and the meciful one Almigthy Allah when i was having a business deal with one of my partners from U.A.E and from the day i was given the Islamic bath(Tawheed) my name changed to Abdul Aziz Mohamed.On 10th Feburary 2004 myself and my family and my business partner took a flight from kish to sharjah and we flew kish airline.We had a plane crash and all members of my family including my very good friend lost their lives. I give thanks to Allah that i am one of the lucky ones that survived the crash.The airline was under the management of one Mr Shabab Attarzadeh who was later sacked after this incidence. I had to return to my home town in Cuba and i am now left with my relatives to take care of me. Owing to the fact that my relatives knows i have reverted to Islam, they have left me to suffer in pain. what disturbs me most is stroke that i have. I have developed paralyses from my waist region downward i am taking this bold step to let you know that i want to leave in your care the sum of $12.2 million United States Dollars i deposited in a security company for the enhancement and propagation of the word of Almighty Allah. Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to a mosque, or an Islamic organization or better still a muslem that will utilize this funds the way I am going to instruct here in. My main aim of doing this is for the propagation and upholding of the message of Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon Him).I want this funds to be used for Zakah and for helping the poor in fasting in Ramadan and performing Pilgrimage. Also In the western world, you find out that the message of Allah has not yet Really gotten there. The message of Islam must not only be preached and Upheld, but also our youths have to be called back to the right path and thereby Reawaken their consciousness. Allah didn’t send Muhammad (peace be upon him)to one Particular tribe, but to mankind at large.Surah #2.254 "Allah commands His slaves to Spend out of what He has provided them in His way, in charity that they May Accumulate their reward with their lord and proprietor. It is for this reason they should hasten up to do in this world before the Day of Resurrection in which neither bargaining nor friendship nor intercession shall avail.No one can bail himself out or can he ransom himself even if he spent, for that purpose, and earth load of gold. Nor can kinship avail him.(#23.101)For now i don’t want any calls from you because of the presence of my relatives that are always around me and i don’t want them to know my plans. Do get back at me to my private mail address </ym/Compose?> Hoping to hear from you soonest and do notify your interest to help me to Propagate Islam. All praise is due to Allah Who brought everything into existence and May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon our noble Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) and His virtuous adorers till the day of Judgment.May Allah bless you as you respond to my plea? Ma-Salam, Abdul Aziz Mohamed, Nb: Please note that for my security you have to reply me through my private e-mail address </ym/Compose?>