The Scamdex Scam Email Archive X

Subject:  From: - Mrs Suzana
From:  Mrs. Susana vaye <>
Date:  Tue, 03 Jan 2006 10:06:44 -0800
Date Added:  2016-07-20 21:32:47

This Email with the Subject "From: - Mrs Suzana" was received in one of Scamdex's honeypot email accounts on Tue, 03 Jan 2006 10:06:44 -0800 and has been classified as a Advance Fee Fraud/419 Scam Email. The sender shows as Mrs. Susana vaye <>, although that address was probably spoofed. We recommend that you do not attempt to contact any persons or organizations referenced in this email, or follow any URLs as you may expose yourself to scammers and, at the very least, you will be added to their email address lists for spam purposes.

From:Mrs Suzana

Kindly accept my apology for sending this mail to you. It is neither a sales solicitation nor

Though, I do not know how conversant you are with events and the fragile political situation in
Liberia, it has made consistent headlines on CNN, BBC and several news bulletins around the

I am Mrs.Suzana Vaye, wife of the late Deputy Minister of Works in Liberia (Isaac Nuhan Vaye)
who was murdered by Taylor during the regime of President Charles Taylor on the false accusation
and trumped up charges of trying to overthrow Charles Taylor.
You can verify this from many international newspapers like the one posted on the web site below:

During my husband's stay in office,he raised a substantial amount of money from Diamond Sales ove
r a period of 6 years and these funds were carefully moved out through legal means and deposited
in a Security Firm in Spain. The amount accrued from the Diamond sales is USD58.6M (Fifty- Eight 
ponit six Million, U.S.Dollars)
and I confirm that these funds are fully free of any liens,  and are clean, clear and has no 
criminal origin.

My Children and I have been confined only to our country home since the death of my husband and all 
our calls and movements are
monitored.But five months ago I and my two children were smuggled through the help of our family 
lawyer of out of Liberia to
Spain where we are presently under the care of United Nation as refugges.

And as result of my status I cannot claim the said fund,hence I am soliciting for your assistance 
to relocate the fund with your identity so as to assume access to the fund.

My only means of communication is via internet email:- and you are being 
contacted because your assistance is needed in retrieving the funds on my
I want to use this medium to assure you that the transaction is absolutely legal and 100% risk free 
as all documentations needed to
prove the source of the funds were submitted when the funds were being
deposited and these documents have proven the origin of the funds as well as authenticating the 
fact that the funds are clean and has no
links whatsoever with any form of illegality.

Due to my present condition, its completely impossible for me to do anything as regards retrieving 
the funds and I implore you to respond
to this email addrees, below for the conclusion of the transaction, if you are genuinely interested 
in assisting me and my children.

For your assistance in this transaction,you shall be entitled to 25% of the total amount of money 
which is equivalent to US$14.500,000
(Fourteen Million and Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand 
United States Dollars) and your role
entails retrieving the funds on my behalf from the Security Firm in Spain.

All information needed to retrieve the funds would be sent to you upon the receipt of your response 
to this proposal and I will
instruct you on how you will go about retrieving the funds as soon as you provide the following 
1) Your Full Names
2) Your Complete Address either Company or Residential Address
3) Private Telephone,Mobile and Fax Numbers where you can be reached at all time as these numbers 
are important because they would be
forwarded to the Security Firm so as to notify them that you would be claiming the funds on my 

I look forward to your response

Mrs. Suzana Vaye

From:Mrs Suzana Kindly accept my apology for sending this mail to you. It is neither a sales solicitation nor spam. Though, I do not know how conversant you are with events and the fragile political situation in Liberia, it has made consistent headlines on CNN, BBC and several news bulletins around the world. I am Mrs.Suzana Vaye, wife of the late Deputy Minister of Works in Liberia (Isaac Nuhan Vaye) who was murdered by Taylor during the regime of President Charles Taylor on the false accusation and trumped up charges of trying to overthrow Charles Taylor. You can verify this from many international newspapers like the one posted on the web site below: During my husband's stay in office,he raised a substantial amount of money from Diamond Sales ove r a period of 6 years and these funds were carefully moved out through legal means and deposited in a Security Firm in Spain. The amount accrued from the Diamond sales is USD58.6M (Fifty- Eight ponit six Million, U.S.Dollars) and I confirm that these funds are fully free of any liens, and are clean, clear and has no criminal origin. My Children and I have been confined only to our country home since the death of my husband and all our calls and movements are monitored.But five months ago I and my two children were smuggled through the help of our family lawyer of out of Liberia to Spain where we are presently under the care of United Nation as refugges. And as result of my status I cannot claim the said fund,hence I am soliciting for your assistance to relocate the fund with your identity so as to assume access to the fund. My only means of communication is via internet email:- and you are being contacted because your assistance is needed in retrieving the funds on my behalf. I want to use this medium to assure you that the transaction is absolutely legal and 100% risk free as all documentations needed to prove the source of the funds were submitted when the funds were being deposited and these documents have proven the origin of the funds as well as authenticating the fact that the funds are clean and has no links whatsoever with any form of illegality. Due to my present condition, its completely impossible for me to do anything as regards retrieving the funds and I implore you to respond to this email addrees, below for the conclusion of the transaction, if you are genuinely interested in assisting me and my children. For your assistance in this transaction,you shall be entitled to 25% of the total amount of money which is equivalent to US$14.500,000 (Fourteen Million and Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand United States Dollars) and your role entails retrieving the funds on my behalf from the Security Firm in Spain. All information needed to retrieve the funds would be sent to you upon the receipt of your response to this proposal and I will instruct you on how you will go about retrieving the funds as soon as you provide the following information: 1) Your Full Names 2) Your Complete Address either Company or Residential Address 3) Private Telephone,Mobile and Fax Numbers where you can be reached at all time as these numbers are important because they would be forwarded to the Security Firm so as to notify them that you would be claiming the funds on my behalve I look forward to your response Mrs. Suzana Vaye