The Scamdex Scam Email Archive X

Subject:  Re : Waiting on your response.......
From:  "Mr.Andrea Kelly" <>
Date:  Fri, 20 Jan 2006 07:12:22 -0800
Date Added:  2016-07-20 20:10:43

This Email with the Subject "Re : Waiting on your response......." was received in one of Scamdex's honeypot email accounts on Fri, 20 Jan 2006 07:12:22 -0800 and has been classified as a Advance Fee Fraud/419 Scam Email. The sender shows as "Mr.Andrea Kelly" <>, although that address was probably spoofed. We recommend that you do not attempt to contact any persons or organizations referenced in this email, or follow any URLs as you may expose yourself to scammers and, at the very least, you will be added to their email address lists for spam purposes.

South Centre Bank, London,
United Kingdom

Dear Friend,

It is my humble pleasure to write you this confidential letter irrespective of the fact that
you do not know me. Hence, I solicit your strictest confidence in this transaction, this is
by virtue of it's nature as being utterly confidential and top secret as I am writing you in
confidence for good relationship. My Name is MR.ANDREA KELLY, I am the the Director of Foreign
Remittance in the South Bank Centre, London, United Kingdom I have decided to contact you on a
business transaction that will be very beneficial to both of us.

During my Auditing of the Bank's Accounts for last month, I came across a very huge sum of
money belonging to a deceased person (ABDELDAYEM EL-KHATIB ABDULLAH). An Iraqi Citizen who was
among the people that Died during the recent war in Iraq. His death occured was so unfornately
because he was an Oil Magnate here in United Kingdom and he has some companies in Iraq because
his Family based there. During his visit to Oversee his companies and entire Family in Iraq
last year, the recent War started in Iraq and he died along with his Family. Before his Death,
he had the sum of US$2.5Million in a Fixed Deposit Account in this Bank and the Money matured
since November last year.

Right now, the Money is lying unclaimed in our custody hence there is no next of kin mentioned
in his file with this Bank and there is no how we can reach any of his relatives. The said mount
Upon my personal finding on this matter, I kept this information secret to myself until now that
I am contacting you. In view of the fact that the deceased customer is a foreigner
(from a different country), it is Officially important for the involvement of a foreigner who
wil pose as a next-of-kin. I will use my exalted position in this Bank to present you as his
Next of Kin as you can be his relative, friend or Cousin and the Money (US$2.5Million) will be
Safely ransfered into your own bank account in your country.

Before I made up my mind to contact you, I have concluded every arrangement to ensure that you
receive the funds successfully as the next of kin. Also I have put in place necessary machinery
for a hitch free transfer of this Money to your Bank Account nominate in any part of the world.
All I need from you mostly is your trustworthiness, Honesty and good cooperation. Based on that,
send me immediately your name, telephone numbers, office or Residential address, company name
and Fax number (if any), and your Bank account particulars where the fund will be transferred
into for you. Because you shall be officially regarded as the New Beneficiary/ Next of Kin that
will be Legally approved as the entitled owner of the US$2.5Million. As soon as the Money is
transfered and confirmed into your account, you will be entitled to 40% of the total sum as
gratification, while 60% will be for me. Later on, I must invest my 60% in your country based on
your advise and you will be the dministrator of all the investments that I shall have in your
country pending when I will resign from the Services of this Bank.

I have a plan to resign my job upon your receipt of the fund in your account. This sum of
US$2.5M is presently Floating in an account here in this Bank and No one will ever come forward
to claim it and according to the Law of my country, at the expiration of Two (2) years the money
will revert to the ownership of the State (Government) if nobody applies to claim the fund. This
prompted me to contact you. I contacted you because it is against our code of ethics to own and
operate foreign accounts and I shall raised all necessary documents in your name which shall
legally prove/ confirm you as the actual next of kin to the Former/Late beneficiary. This is
simple, I will like you to provide immediately your full names and address so that the lawyer
will prepare the necessary documents for the drafting and notarization of the WILL and obtain
the Vital documents and letter of probate/administration in your favour to show that you are the
next of kin to the deceased. There is no risk involved at all, the paperwork for this transaction
will be done legally, this will guarantee the successful execution of the
transaction. If you are interested, please reply immediately, upon your response, I shall
provide you with more details and relevant documents that will help you understand the
transaction better.

Note that if you are Afraid of Sending me your account information, I suggest that you Open a
New Account with Zero Balance (NO MONEY INSIDE) and we shall effectively use it for this
transaction provided that it can be able to Accomodate the Funds. I require you to maintain the
confidentiality of this ransaction because it is important due to the fact that I am still in
active services with the South Bank Centre, London, United Kingdom

Immediately I recieve your response indicating your interest, I shall send you more details.
Remember that your Faithfulness, and Confidentiality is mostly required.
Thanks and regards,

FROM: Mr.Andrea Kelly
South Centre Bank, London,
United Kingdom
Email :

FROM : MR ANDREA KELLY REMITTANCE DIRECTOR; South Centre Bank, London, United Kingdom Dear Friend, It is my humble pleasure to write you this confidential letter irrespective of the fact that you do not know me. Hence, I solicit your strictest confidence in this transaction, this is by virtue of it's nature as being utterly confidential and top secret as I am writing you in confidence for good relationship. My Name is MR.ANDREA KELLY, I am the the Director of Foreign Remittance in the South Bank Centre, London, United Kingdom I have decided to contact you on a business transaction that will be very beneficial to both of us. During my Auditing of the Bank's Accounts for last month, I came across a very huge sum of money belonging to a deceased person (ABDELDAYEM EL-KHATIB ABDULLAH). An Iraqi Citizen who was among the people that Died during the recent war in Iraq. His death occured was so unfornately because he was an Oil Magnate here in United Kingdom and he has some companies in Iraq because his Family based there. During his visit to Oversee his companies and entire Family in Iraq last year, the recent War started in Iraq and he died along with his Family. Before his Death, he had the sum of US$2.5Million in a Fixed Deposit Account in this Bank and the Money matured since November last year. Right now, the Money is lying unclaimed in our custody hence there is no next of kin mentioned in his file with this Bank and there is no how we can reach any of his relatives. The said mount involved is the sum of US$2.500,000.00 (TWO MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND UNITED STATES DOLLARS ) Upon my personal finding on this matter, I kept this information secret to myself until now that I am contacting you. In view of the fact that the deceased customer is a foreigner (from a different country), it is Officially important for the involvement of a foreigner who wil pose as a next-of-kin. I will use my exalted position in this Bank to present you as his Next of Kin as you can be his relative, friend or Cousin and the Money (US$2.5Million) will be Safely ransfered into your own bank account in your country. Before I made up my mind to contact you, I have concluded every arrangement to ensure that you receive the funds successfully as the next of kin. Also I have put in place necessary machinery for a hitch free transfer of this Money to your Bank Account nominate in any part of the world. All I need from you mostly is your trustworthiness, Honesty and good cooperation. Based on that, send me immediately your name, telephone numbers, office or Residential address, company name and Fax number (if any), and your Bank account particulars where the fund will be transferred into for you. Because you shall be officially regarded as the New Beneficiary/ Next of Kin that will be Legally approved as the entitled owner of the US$2.5Million. As soon as the Money is transfered and confirmed into your account, you will be entitled to 40% of the total sum as gratification, while 60% will be for me. Later on, I must invest my 60% in your country based on your advise and you will be the dministrator of all the investments that I shall have in your country pending when I will resign from the Services of this Bank. I have a plan to resign my job upon your receipt of the fund in your account. This sum of US$2.5M is presently Floating in an account here in this Bank and No one will ever come forward to claim it and according to the Law of my country, at the expiration of Two (2) years the money will revert to the ownership of the State (Government) if nobody applies to claim the fund. This prompted me to contact you. I contacted you because it is against our code of ethics to own and operate foreign accounts and I shall raised all necessary documents in your name which shall legally prove/ confirm you as the actual next of kin to the Former/Late beneficiary. This is simple, I will like you to provide immediately your full names and address so that the lawyer will prepare the necessary documents for the drafting and notarization of the WILL and obtain the Vital documents and letter of probate/administration in your favour to show that you are the next of kin to the deceased. There is no risk involved at all, the paperwork for this transaction will be done legally, this will guarantee the successful execution of the transaction. If you are interested, please reply immediately, upon your response, I shall provide you with more details and relevant documents that will help you understand the transaction better. Note that if you are Afraid of Sending me your account information, I suggest that you Open a New Account with Zero Balance (NO MONEY INSIDE) and we shall effectively use it for this transaction provided that it can be able to Accomodate the Funds. I require you to maintain the confidentiality of this ransaction because it is important due to the fact that I am still in active services with the South Bank Centre, London, United Kingdom Immediately I recieve your response indicating your interest, I shall send you more details. Remember that your Faithfulness, and Confidentiality is mostly required. Thanks and regards, FROM: Mr.Andrea Kelly REMITTANCE DIRECTOR; South Centre Bank, London, United Kingdom Email :