The Scamdex Scam Email Archive X

Subject:  †No Subject†
From:  Lottery Office <>
Date:  Tue, 01 Jan 2008 13:23:52 -0800
Category:  Generic
Date Added:  2015-07-14 20:10:53

This Email with the Subject "†No Subject†" was received in one of Scamdex's honeypot email accounts on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 13:23:52 -0800 and has been classified as a Generic Scam Email. The sender shows as Lottery Office <>, although that address was probably spoofed. We recommend that you do not attempt to contact any persons or organizations referenced in this email, or follow any URLs as you may expose yourself to scammers and, at the very least, you will be added to their email address lists for spam purposes.


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           You won £2.000,000.00 GBP! Yahoo! Mail congratulates  you !!!!!                             Messenger     CONGRATULATIONS!!! YOU WON £2.000,000.00 Great British Poundsterling!!!
          United Kingdom.    Dear, Sir/Madam
Yahoo! Mail gives members random cash prizes. Today, your account is randomly selected as one of the 12 top winners accounts who will get cash prizes from us. We are happy to inform you that you have won a prize money of (Two million Great British Poundsterling. (£2.000,000.00GBP) for the Year, 2008  lottery win promotion which is organized by yahoo messenger .com   Yahoo, collects all the mail id of the people that are online  on yahoo messenger, among the millions that subscribe to yahoo messenger and all internet users .we only select five people every month as our winners through electronic balloting System without the winner applying,we are  congratulating you for being one of the people selected for this month Promo. All participant were selected through a computer balloting system drawn from Nine hundred thousand E-mail addresses from Canada, Australia, United States, Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Oceania as part of our international promotions program which is conducted annually.
  This Lottery was promoted and sponsored by a conglomorate of some multinational Global companies as part of their social responsibility to the citizens in the commmunities where they have operational base and Multitude of subscribers in our International Network. Further more your details(e-mail address) falls within our EUROPEAN representative office in LONDON,UNITED KINGDOM, as indicated in your play coupon and your prize of £2.000,000.00GBP will be released to you from this regional branch office in United Kingdom.
We hope with part of your prize, you will participate in our end of year (2007) high stakes for £1.3 Billion international draw.
HOW TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE   These are your identification numbers.   Serial number 5388/02
Draw lucky numbers: 31-6-2613357
Ticket number: 56475600545 188
Batch number.....................Lwh 09102
Lotto number.......................Lwh35447
Winning number...................Lwh09788   TO BEGIN CLAIMS,KINDLY CONTACT OUR CLAIMS DEPARTMENT CENTRE UNITED KINGDOM.   CONTACT PERSON:DR RICHARD WEST ( winners directorate office )   Tel :+447045765803.   YOU ARE REQUIRED TO FORWARD TO HIM YOUR WINNING IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS.    As soon as you contact him, he will commence the claim process to release your winning prize fund to you.   Congratulations once more!!   For security reasons, we advice all winners to keep this information confidential from the public until your claim is processed and your Fund released to you. This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming and unwarranted taking advantage of this programme by non-participant or unofficial personnel.   Yours Sincerely,   DR.JOHNSON BAKE(PHD) LOTTO CO-ORDINATOR. The staff Be a better pen pal. Text or chat with friends inside Yahoo! Mail. See how.

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