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0 million united states do... foreign bank contact safe account six million reliable transaction response foreigner 100% 35% 60% 5% transfer fund urgent legal mail risk free bank bank account bank offic usd dollar prime bank existing bank new bank the bank deeply respect will exchange ach ($126,000.000.00 usd)
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I implore that you permit me to contact you first via this very medium seeing that we have not met anywhere before now.
With due respect, I urge you to treat my information serious. My family wants to transfer to overseas account ($126,000.000.00 USD) One Hundred and Twenty Six Million United States Dollars) from one of the prime bank here. I humbly solicit that if you can not handle this; to quietly look for another reliable and honest person like yourself who will be capable and fit to provide either an existing bank account or to set up a new Bank a/c immediately to receive this money,even an empty a/c with zero balance can serve to receive this fund. It is of great essence that you remain honest till the end for this urgent transaction.
It might interest you to know that our very aim/consensus of contacting you as a foreigner is based on the fact that the above mentioned fund cannot be approved to a local person here, but to a foreigner who has information about the account, which I shall give to you upon your positive response. I am revealing this to you in confidence that you will never betray me.
Your strong assurance of safety is required; that you won’t let us down both my family and a key official who is deeply involved in this transaction. On my honor, I guarantee you that this transaction IS 100% RISK FREE and would be executed under legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law. The bank official will destroy all documents of the transaction immediately you receive this fund leaving no trace to any place.More also, a solid arrangement to obtain all legal approvals for the onward transfer of the funds into your account with appropriate clearance from the relevant ministries and foreign exchange departments shall be done.
At the conclusion of this transaction, you will be given 35% of the total amount, 60% will be for my family while the remaining 5% will be for the expenses.
Please response immediately and do not forget to confirm the private nature of your email address when replying this message.This would help protect our information better.
Thanks and i await on your immediate reply.
kindest regards.
Mr.Ousmane S.Conte.
I implore that you permit me to contact you first via this very medium seeing that we have not met anywhere before now.
With due respect, I urge you to treat my information serious. My family wants to transfer to overseas account ($126,000.000.00 USD) One Hundred and Twenty Six Million United States Dollars) from one of the prime bank here. I humbly solicit that if you can not handle this; to quietly look for another reliable and honest person like yourself who will be capable and fit to provide either an existing bank account or to set up a new Bank a/c immediately to receive this money,even an empty a/c with zero balance can serve to receive this fund. It is of great essence that you remain honest till the end for this urgent transaction.
It might interest you to know that our very aim/consensus of contacting you as a foreigner is based on the fact that the above mentioned fund cannot be approved to a local person here, but to a foreigner who has information about the account, which I shall give to you upon your positive response. I am revealing this to you in confidence that you will never betray me.
Your strong assurance of safety is required; that you won’t let us down both my family and a key official who is deeply involved in this transaction. On my honor, I guarantee you that this transaction IS 100% RISK FREE and would be executed under legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law. The bank official will destroy all documents of the transaction immediately you receive this fund leaving no trace to any place.More also, a solid arrangement to obtain all legal approvals for the onward transfer of the funds into your account with appropriate clearance from the relevant ministries and foreign exchange departments shall be done.
At the conclusion of this transaction, you will be given 35% of the total amount, 60% will be for my family while the remaining 5% will be for the expenses.
Please response immediately and do not forget to confirm the private nature of your email address when replying this message.This would help protect our information better.
Thanks and i await on your immediate reply.
kindest regards.
Mr.Ousmane S.Conte.