The Scamdex Scam Email Archive X

Subject:  Urgent Message.
From:  "Musa Ibrahim" <>
Date:  Tue, 16 Jan 2007 08:06:47 -0800
Date Added:  2016-07-19 22:58:06

This Email with the Subject "Urgent Message." was received in one of Scamdex's honeypot email accounts on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 08:06:47 -0800 and has been classified as a Advance Fee Fraud/419 Scam Email. The sender shows as "Musa Ibrahim" <>, although that address was probably spoofed. We recommend that you do not attempt to contact any persons or organizations referenced in this email, or follow any URLs as you may expose yourself to scammers and, at the very least, you will be added to their email address lists for spam purposes.

Dear Sir,
With presumed reliance, let me introduce myself. My name is Mr Musa Ibrahim. I am the auditing and accounting officer of African Developement Bank (A.D.B). I got your contact over the Internet in my search for the relatives of one of our numerous customers who died alongside with his family in Car Accident.
During the routine check in my branch, I discovered an abandoned sum of fiveteen million eight hundred thousand united states dollars,(USD$15.8m). in an account belonging to an expatriate customer Mr. Alex Otaman, a mining consultant/contractor with one of the leading oil company in Ouaga-Burkina Faso before his accidental death on Saturday 4Th May 2000 in Bobo via the ill-fated.
Ever since then, valuable efforts have been made to get to his people but to no avail, as he had no known relatives and more so, he used his wife's name as his next of kin in his account opening forms. I have been expecting his relatives to come over to claim his money as it cannot be claimed unless somebody applies officially for it as his next of kin as indicated in our banking guide but no avail. Unfortunately, I discovered that his supposed next of kin (his wife and children) died with him over the car incident. Over the years, I decided to look for the necessary papers relating to the deposit in order to make business out of it as the deposit was made in my branch. Now that all papers are ready, I am asking for your assistant to release the money to you as his relation/next of kin for safekeeping and subsequent disbursement. I know that a transaction of this magnitude will make any one apprehensive but I am assuring you of the Security of us all as modalities have been perfected for a swift and smooth operation.
You are being contacted because Since nobody showed up for his money and I don't want it to go back into Burkina Faso Government account as unclaimed bill when the next audit is conducted. The banking law and guideline here stipulates that such money if remain unclaimed, will be transferred into banking treasury as unclaimed effect. The request of a foreigner to act as next of kin in this business is occasioned by the fact that the customer was a foreigner and a citizen of Burkina Faso cannot stand as next of kin to a foreigner. I am ready to negotiate the mode of sharing with you. I will visit your country for the disbursement/investing of my share according to the percentages we shall agree upon after the successful transfer of the money to your account.
I will not fail to bring to your notice that this transaction is 100% hitch-free and that there is absolutely no risk in it, having concluded the modalities for a smooth operation and my position in the bank guarantees its successful execution. All I require is your honest co-operation, a guarantee of your sincerity and capability to enable us conclude this deal. Note however that the sensitive nature of this transaction demands that you have to keep it absolutely confidential.
Please accept my apologies, keep my confidence and disregard this letter if you do not appreciate this proposition. Thank you very much for your time.
Trusting to hear from you immediately,
Best regards,
Mr Musa Ibrahim.

OUAGA-BURKINA FASO. TEL:+226-764-144-86.   Dear Sir,   With presumed reliance, let me introduce myself. My name is Mr Musa Ibrahim. I am the auditing and accounting officer of African Developement Bank (A.D.B). I got your contact over the Internet in my search for the relatives of one of our numerous customers who died alongside with his family in Car Accident.   During the routine check in my branch, I discovered an abandoned sum of fiveteen million eight hundred thousand united states dollars,(USD$15.8m). in an account belonging to an expatriate customer Mr. Alex Otaman, a mining consultant/contractor with one of the leading oil company in Ouaga-Burkina Faso before his accidental death on Saturday 4Th May 2000 in Bobo via the ill-fated.   Ever since then, valuable efforts have been made to get to his people but to no avail, as he had no known relatives and more so, he used his wife's name as his next of kin in his account opening forms. I have been expecting his relatives to come over to claim his money as it cannot be claimed unless somebody applies officially for it as his next of kin as indicated in our banking guide but no avail. Unfortunately, I discovered that his supposed next of kin (his wife and children) died with him over the car incident. Over the years, I decided to look for the necessary papers relating to the deposit in order to make business out of it as the deposit was made in my branch. Now that all papers are ready, I am asking for your assistant to release the money to you as his relation/next of kin for safekeeping and subsequent disbursement. I know that a transaction of this magnitude will make any one apprehensive but I am assuring you of the Security of us all as modalities have been perfected for a swift and smooth operation.   You are being contacted because Since nobody showed up for his money and I don't want it to go back into Burkina Faso Government account as unclaimed bill when the next audit is conducted. The banking law and guideline here stipulates that such money if remain unclaimed, will be transferred into banking treasury as unclaimed effect. The request of a foreigner to act as next of kin in this business is occasioned by the fact that the customer was a foreigner and a citizen of Burkina Faso cannot stand as next of kin to a foreigner. I am ready to negotiate the mode of sharing with you. I will visit your country for the disbursement/investing of my share according to the percentages we shall agree upon after the successful transfer of the money to your account.   I will not fail to bring to your notice that this transaction is 100% hitch-free and that there is absolutely no risk in it, having concluded the modalities for a smooth operation and my position in the bank guarantees its successful execution. All I require is your honest co-operation, a guarantee of your sincerity and capability to enable us conclude this deal. Note however that the sensitive nature of this transaction demands that you have to keep it absolutely confidential.   Please accept my apologies, keep my confidence and disregard this letter if you do not appreciate this proposition. Thank you very much for your time. Trusting to hear from you immediately,   Best regards,
Mr Musa Ibrahim.