This Email with the Subject "Question From eBay Member" was received in one of Scamdex's honeypot email accounts on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 08:13:22 -0800 and has been classified as a Auction/Escrow Scam Email. The sender shows as "eBay" <>, although that address was probably spoofed. We recommend that you do not attempt to contact any persons or organizations referenced in this email, or follow any URLs as you may expose yourself to scammers and, at the very least, you will be added to their email address lists for spam purposes.
Question about Item -- Respond Now
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Question from bouncer76rabbit
bouncer76rabbit( 22)
Positive feedback:
Member since:
United Kingdom
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This message was sent while the listing was active.
bouncer76rabbit is a potential buyer.
I want you to know that i have the highest of interest in one of your items,i saw that you sold one a couple of months back,
and i'm dying to own one Please reply to this email.
kind regards .
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